Home About


Hey there! 👋

I’m a Solutions Architect for the University of Oregon, with a focus in infrastructure-as-code and automation.

I get to work on some cool stuff like:

  • Talapas, our High-Performance Computing cluster serving nearly a thousand users across the world
  • Jupyterhub, kubernetes clusters of Jupyter notebooks for datascience students and faculty
  • NSX, the software-defined networking firewall backing our UOCloud workloads
  • And lots of other stuff that people dump on my desk

I wanted to finally start some sort of record of my professional existence, however incorrect or confusing it may be. I’m a terrible writer, and I’m hoping to improve as I go (practice makes better!).

In my spare time, I obsess over how I can become better at my career, tweaking my Neovim config for no reason, and staring at the wall, pondering the existential insignificance of everything.

Oh and sometimes I climb things.

Flagstone, OR Atop the Flagstone formation in Oregon

I guess the thing nowadays is having your own Discord server, but I’ve never sat at the cool kids’ table, so you can contact me directly using this ancient technology called email at lcrownover127@gmail.com. I’m always happy to chat.